Friday, June 22, 2012

Take Me to the Circus: Madagascar 3 Delivers

Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo, and Melman the Giraffe are still trying to get home to their zoo in NYC, but this time hitch on with a group of amusing animals on a circus train, and find themselves in their most hilarious adventure yet.  Of course, no Madagascar movie can deliver without the witty humor from the Penguins, and this film finally makes these guys major characters instead of ones with sporadic and small appearances like in the other two films; much like Scrap does in the Ice Age movies.  Also, they take on roles like the get-away car drivers, soldiers, and captains of transportation when they pitch their clever lines, making the Skipper, Koleski, and others great additions that tickle adult humor.  Chase sequences between the animal control and the animals copy Matrix like moves that young kids will love but could get repetitive for adults; nonetheless, the bizarre character of the main villain is so crazy that’s it’s hard not to like her.  Though Maurice’s jokes often get obnoxious and annoying in the previous films, he is easily the funniest character in this film.  His love affair with the circus bear and obliviously serious one line gags amplify the silliest moments of the film.  Meanwhile, the wild colors and outrageous performances that the core four teach the fun and cute circus creatures move so quickly that you overlook their lack of sense.  Overall, Madagascar 3 is a film great for the whole family!               

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