Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Berry Berry Bliss Busting those Bedtime Blues

It's easy to let bummer bombs like the 12.7 million people and 8.2% unemployment rate or tragic deaths of Whitney Houston and Dick Clark get the average person down, but that doesn't mean it has too.  The solution?  A tasty late night treat that sends you to sleep in a good mood before allowing those negative thoughts drown your dreams.  For all those readers avoiding the rest of this Blog because they think it’s an easy excuse to gain weight, hold your horses because this dessert serves something sweet but also encourages you to try on discount bikinis at Target.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Berry Patch Pie!  Calling for manageable ingredients of sugar, corn starch, lemon juice and the four heavenly berries of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, this recipe brings a delightful aroma that announces summer is in the air with something easy to prepare, quick to cook and simple to clean.  With a berry filled body bursting multiple taste buds craving refreshing flavors and a low calorie count (250 a slice) with powerfully replenishing antioxidants, this sweet smakeral keeps consumers satisfied and smiling for the entire night.  Those excuses of “I’ve had a long day and don't have the time or energy to bake anything” won't work with this recipe, so simply accept it, embrace it.  When life gets you down, what should you do?  Just keep baking, just keep tasting, and let these berries beat your bedtime blues!

1 comment:

  1. Yum in the tum. Now you need to invent a way to bake this and have it delivered fresh to Indiana!
